Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Daily Education and Technology News for Schools 05/22/2012

  • This is a pinch that textbook companies are just beginning to feel. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. It has a little over 40% of the k12 textbook market. With textbook money being shifted elsewhere, companies that don't understand how the textbook must evolve are going to have problems. It is a shame because they are so close and could be useful if they'd build networks to connect those using their books. 

    "IN the Speak up 2011 report, students say that 46% of them have used Facebook to collaborate on school projects.

    Interesting report that also shows the flip side where 65% of principals say they will not allow personal devices in the next school year. (What is odd is a study I shared a few weeks  a go on my blog says that almost 50% of students are receiving text messages during class NOW in schools where cell phones are BANNED so really, this is just window dressing.)

    "Students want more control over how they use technology in school, but many classrooms are still making it difficult. That’s according to the most recent Speak Up 2011 report, “Mapping a Personalized Learning Journey,” which reflects the views of more than 416,000 K-12 students, parents, and educators nationwide surveyed on how technology can enhance the learning environment. They survey is produced by Project Tomorrow, an educational non-profit focused on raising student voices in education policy discussions. The theme for this survey focused on individualized learning paths."

    tags: education news

  • IN the Speak up 2011 report, students say that 46% of them have used Facebook to collaborate on school projects.

    Interesting report that also shows the flip side where 65% of principals say they will not allow personal devices in the next school year. (What is odd is a study I shared a few weeks  a go on my blog says that almost 50% of students are receiving text messages during class NOW in schools where cell phones are BANNED so really, this is just window dressing.)

    "Students want more control over how they use technology in school, but many classrooms are still making it difficult. That’s according to the most recent Speak Up 2011 report, “Mapping a Personalized Learning Journey,” which reflects the views of more than 416,000 K-12 students, parents, and educators nationwide surveyed on how technology can enhance the learning environment. They survey is produced by Project Tomorrow, an educational non-profit focused on raising student voices in education policy discussions. The theme for this survey focused on individualized learning paths.

    tags: education news research social media

  • If you want to teach online, here's a starter kit from Edutopia. My sister teaches remotely and it isn't the cushy, relaxing job that many describe. It may have flexibility but it is very hard work with many of the same issues you have in a face to face classroom. Just be aware that if you don't want to work, you shouldn't teach: offline or face to face. Teaching, in my experience, takes everything you have but it gives you far more in return.

    tags: education teaching news

  • Microsoft has a website so.cl and Stephen Downes has joined. I've been at this site before and may actually have a profile but for now it says I can't get in. ;-(

    tags: education news socialmedia

  • A new social network around scrapbooking called Wollage to share memories. This might be a great one for using this summer.

    tags: education news app ird

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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